Last week, I had a friend ask me for some book recommendations on a variety of topics. In typical writerly fashion, I immediately began overthinking the question. The next day, and owing to the 5 am meanderings of my wakeful brain, I soon had a thousand words I wanted to tell this person. But since extolling unsolicited advice is what writers do best, I figured I’d dole it out to you as well.
I'm gonna screenshot your list for future reference. Thanks!
Now you've got me thinking of my all time Favorite Reads list. It would have to go by genre:
Dystopian fiction: Alas Babylon or Fahrenheit 451, not sure
Red Pill non-fiction: Chaos by Tom Oneill
Civil War non-fiction: The Civil War vol 1-3 by Shelby Foote
Crime History: The Devil in the White City
Military fiction: Red Storm Rising
Historical fiction: Anything by Jeff Shaara
Mature Fantasy: LOTR
Sci-Fi: Perelandra
Young Fiction: A Horse and His Boy
Kids read aloud: The Seven Silly Eaters
Classic fiction: Twenty Years After by Dumas
I could go on and on and on...
We use crap books as bedding in the chicken coop.
A devil in the white city was a captivating novel… would recommend to everyone
I've never read a book by Erik Larsen that I didn't love, and I've read most of them.